
Showing posts from May, 2023

The History of the Humble Pencil

The History of Pencil Manufacturing  - and Why You Should Care. The history of pencil manufacturing dates back to ancient civilizations, where the Egyptians and Romans used metal styluses to write on papyrus and wax tablets. However, it was not until the 16th century that the first wooden pencil was created. In 1565, a huge deposit of graphite was discovered in Cumberland, England. Graphite, a naturally occurring form of carbon, was ideal for writing because it left a darker mark than lead or other metals. Lumps of graphite were sawn into sticks, wrapped in string or sheepskin, and used as a writing instrument. In the 18th century, the French chemist, Nicholas-Jacques Conte, discovered that mixing ground graphite with clay could create a more uniform and durable pencil. This invention revolutionized pencil manufacturing, and the modern pencil, as we know it today, was born. Throughout the 19th century, the pencil-making industry continued to develop. In 1812, William Monroe of Mas...

My Favourite Pencils and Why

  My 7 Favourite Colored Pencils and Why I have used and loved a lot of pencils in my journey as a colorist and even today, the most popular question I am asked is 'which pencils should I buy?'  And while there are thousands of brands and styles of pencils available in the world today, I have narrowed down my list of favourites to help you choose where to start when buying pencils. So no matter your budget or style, check out these 7 Colored Pencil Brands and find something thats just right for you. Click on the headings or pictures for accurate pricing for all sets. * Affiliate Disclaimer. This post contains amazon affiliate links and I may earn a small commission (at no cost to you) if you click on them. 1. Arrtx Artist Pencils Arrtx 72 Colored Pencils for Adult Coloring  For the price you pay for Arrtx colored pencils, they pack a whole lot of punch. Beautiful quality control so all of the pencils look the same with uniform markings and colors. The pigment lay down o...