Colour In - But Do The Work

Colour In - But Do The Work How I use Art to Distract me from doing Emotional Work. So I started this blog as a way to increase potential for my amazon affiliate links - it was a side hustle and it was also a way for me to express how greatful I am to art as a mindfulness tool. I figured in my own little mind that the two things could be mutually beneficial and they are. I love being an amazon affiliate and last week I spent my commission sending a gift to a friend in the U.S.A. But anything (and I mean anything) can be used as a diservice to your mental health. Too much of anything, the wrong intentions, the wrong agenda and it throws off the whole wellness mission and that's what I want to talk about today. Think about this for a minute. Did you start art as a way to relax and now own more supplies than you could ever need? Did you join the gym as a positive step towards health and now feel guilty if you dont go every day? Did you find yourself passionate about a message, ...