Can We Colour for Mindfulness - My Coloring Origin Story!


Can we Colour for Mindfulness - My Coloring Origin Story!

When I say I haven't been colouring for long, that doesn't included the sheer and innocent joy of colouring as a child does it? As a child, I was the quintessential 'inside kid' and my favourite things to do were write and colour - funny how things work out right?

Cut to the adult coloring craze of 2016 and I was an adult with a long history of mental illness who needed an outlet. My major depressive disorder, cultivated from trauma and genetics was the perfect storm and I was in the centre. Finding coloring again was such a balm for me at first and diving head first back into the art reminded me of this childhood joy. 

In 2021 I was made redundant, a mother again (to a boy this time - what do you do with those?) and in the midst of a global pandemic when the Universe handed me one more chance. I was blessed to come and work for a very successful pencil artist and this by default reminded me of my love for colouring; inspiring me to remember the joy, the peace and the patience that it brought to me. 


  • Naturally colouring has been a proven wellness tool for centuries, championed by renowned psychiatrist Carl Jung and when using colouring as a mindfulness practice, it can have untold benefits.

    Reduces stress and anxiety:
    Coloring has a calming effect on the mind while managing to engage both hemispheres. Focusing on the present moment while colour is a brilliant way to meditate and relax which can help with anxiety.

    Enhances creativity:
    Coloring can stimulate your creativity and help you to generate new ideas. This is because coloring engages your brain in a way that allows for greater imagination and problem-solving skills.

    Improves fine motor skills:
    Coloring can also improve fine motor skills, especially in children. This is because coloring requires the use of small muscles in the hands and fingers, which can help develop these skills.

    Boosts mood: 
    Coloring can also boost your mood and make you feel happier. When you color, you release endorphins, which are feel-good hormones that can help improve your overall mood.

    Provides a sense of accomplishment:
    Completing or even just starting a coloring page can give you a sense of accomplishment, which can boost your self-esteem and confidence. As your skill grows with the medium you also foster a sense of confidenc which is so helpful when experiencing depressive episodes.

    I experience all of these upticks in my life and more and my passion for mindful coloring has lead me to write Can We Colour for Mindfulness: the Beginners Guide and create the Mindful Colouring Journal as a habit tracker to get people started.
    I think back on my origin story and I know without a doubt that there have been time where colouring has made the difference between a good day and a bad day for me and I'm so inspired to give that give to others.

  • I created the Can We Colour Range to help others so please share it with your friends - both books are available on Amazon now and the book is free on kindle ulimited.


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