
Showing posts from June, 2023

Adult Coloring Books Red Flags

  Coloring Book Red Flags - What I Look for and Why it Matters We live in a world of AI now and even before this became a thing, there were literally millions of adult coloring books in the world for you to choose from. Overwhelming much?  A quick search on Amazon (the australian site) yields over 70,000 search results for the phrase 'adult coloring book' and over 48 pages of books to sift through and if you're like me, that's just too much sifting and not enough coloring! So here is a quick list of things that I like in my coloring book that might help you, coupled with some examples of my favourite books and why. Note that this blog isn't about the content of the book - color whatever pictures you like! But I can help you navigate a few important points! It's also worth noting that these are my opinions and my opinions only.  I have not been paid to endorse the  coloring books I've recommended in this blog and completely understand that everyone is entitle...

Pencils - What are They Made From and Why?

Pencils - What are They Made From and Why You Should Care. Colored pencils typically contain the same combination of materials, varying in only the volume of each addition. In this blog, we'll cover what's contained in your pencil core and why so you can make an informed decision when buying your first colored pencil set or extanding your pencil collection. For more information, check out the resources at the bottom of the page. Pencils always include pigments or dyes, binder and extender and here's a break down of why. Pigments & Dyes Pigments and dyes provide the all important color of a colored pencil and can be made up from many different things. Commonly, pigments are either organic, that is naturally occuring, or inorganic - manmade.  "The majority of inorganic pigments are brighter and last longer than organic ones. Organic pigments made from natural sources have been used for centuries, but most pigments used today are either inorganic or synthetic organic...

Coloring Books I'm loving in June

Coloring Books I'm loving in June Well winter is here in Australia and it seemed to come in fits and starts althroughout Autumn - so none of us were suprised! I'm not typically someone who colors based on season but the inside time, staying out of the rain is a great excuse to color. Below is a quick run down of what I've been drawn to in June for adult coloring purposes and why I love them. All of these books are available now on Amazon and other great bookstores and outlets. To purchase any of these books, just click the picture and you will be taken straight to (NOTE: these are affiliate links and I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase - at no cost to you of course. If you're an Australian click HERE)  and search for your favourite titles) Rooms of Wonder by Johanna Basford CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE Johanna Basford is a mainstay in the adult coloring book world and her most recent book (but not that recent; it was released in November 2022) is a...

Arrtx 126 Artist Grade Colored Pencils - Pencil Review

  Pencil Review Arrtx Artist Colored Pencils 126 Set Arrtx 126 Colored Pencils Set  In the pencil world, like the real world, it's safe to say that primarily you get what you pay for and I am a huge advocate of this mantra. Typically, if you invest in a good set of colored pencils you will be rewarded with righ pigments, tight quality control and consistent results.  So imagine my surprise when Arrtx came on the scene - a company offering pencils at lower prices that are also marketed as 'artist grade' and rumoured to be a pretty even match for a PRISMACOLOR Premier.  Like a lot of artists I did a double take and because I'm not a fan of hype, I waited until they were on sale before I bought the Arrtx 72 set.  Needless to say I was incredibly impressed and in the 12 months I've been using my 72 set, I have recommended them to everyone who asks. Today I'm going to take you through the reasons I love Arrtx pencils, the drawbacks I've found and the colors avail...