Adult Coloring Books Red Flags

Coloring Book Red Flags - What I Look for and Why it Matters We live in a world of AI now and even before this became a thing, there were literally millions of adult coloring books in the world for you to choose from. Overwhelming much? A quick search on Amazon (the australian site) yields over 70,000 search results for the phrase 'adult coloring book' and over 48 pages of books to sift through and if you're like me, that's just too much sifting and not enough coloring! So here is a quick list of things that I like in my coloring book that might help you, coupled with some examples of my favourite books and why. Note that this blog isn't about the content of the book - color whatever pictures you like! But I can help you navigate a few important points! It's also worth noting that these are my opinions and my opinions only. I have not been paid to endorse the coloring books I've recommended in this blog and completely understand that everyone is entitle...