Coloring Books I'm loving in June

Five Adult Coloring Books Laid out in an overlap flat lay fasion

Coloring Books I'm loving in June

Well winter is here in Australia and it seemed to come in fits and starts althroughout Autumn - so none of us were suprised! I'm not typically someone who colors based on season but the inside time, staying out of the rain is a great excuse to color.

Below is a quick run down of what I've been drawn to in June for adult coloring purposes and why I love them. All of these books are available now on Amazon and other great bookstores and outlets.

To purchase any of these books, just click the picture and you will be taken straight to

(NOTE: these are affiliate links and I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase - at no cost to you of course. If you're an Australian click HERE) and search for your favourite titles)

  1. Rooms of Wonder by Johanna Basford


Johanna Basford is a mainstay in the adult coloring book world and her most recent book (but not that recent; it was released in November 2022) is a pleasure and a challenge to most. I haven't enjoyed it as much as her previous book, Worlds of Wonder because it is jam packed full of really intricate, more detailed scenes but there's definitely something for everyone in this book.

I really like the small, simple, cute images in this book but I am challenged and stretched by the intricate ones so I really want to color more big scenes in Rooms of Wonder this month.

2. Worlds within Worlds by Kerby Rosanes 


Released back in March 2020, Kerby's Worlds within Worlds is still one book that keeps me in awe and I keep coming back to it time and time again. It's a book that seems intimidating on the face of it but when you look closer and see that the linework actually helps with the shading and highlights of the page, you actually fall into a nice rythm. 

I want to work in this book more and finish some of the pages I've started here in June. Fingers crossed for my progress in this one. 

3. Can We Colour ... for Mindfulness by Alix B


While it has to be confessed that I am not an artist, I do enjoy coloring in this journal which, yes, I created myself. This is a hybrid coloring book / habit tracker for people who want to start coloring as a mindfulness practice. The images where all handchosen and formatted by me so you can be sure that theyre exactly the thing I like to color! And there are sections for journaling and self reflection so you can build the habit of mindfulness coloring. 

Now coloring for mindfulness and coloring for recreation / art are two different things but once you buy it - use this journal how ever suits you best! 

4. Tales from the Witches Cottage by Hannah Karlzon


Hanna Karlzon's work is loved the whole world over and while she's not my favorite adult coloring book artist, I own most of her books for a few specific reasons. The hardcovers make them feel luxurious and protects your work well and the paper is some of the best quality paper I have experienced in a coloring book. I love this book because it's one of the smaller ones and quite whimsical and I'm keen to finish off a few pages in this one in June. 

I'm also waiting with baited breath for a copy of her newest book, Tales from the City Among the Stars  because from what I've seen, it has some of the smaller, simplistic images that I really love to color.

5. A Million Mermaids by Lulu Mayo


One thing about me - I'm not a huge fan of sea creature themed coloring books so this might seem like a paradox. I just love Lulu's style. I have her A Million Kawaii Cuties book and its just fun and silly and whimsical and easy to fall into with your bright colors and a hot cup of tea! I expect that this book will be the same and I have already colored her two free pages, offered on  

So there you go, a busy coloring month ahead. What are you coloring this month? Share with me in the comments and come connect with me on social media and let me know what you think of these choices!


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